The 2018 Canadian Stick Curling Champions are Tom and Rae Campbell from the St. Vital Curling Club in Winnipeg, Manitoba. They defeated three time Canadian champion Tim Smith and Chris Pieper from Armstrong, B.C. in two extra ends. This is the second time that a mixed team has won the championship.
Monthly Archives: April 2018
Canadian Stick Curling Founder
Host chair Randy Olson (left) is shown here with Ernie Oliver of Winnipeg, the founder of the Canadian Stick Curling Association.
2018 Canadian Stick Curling Championships – Bronze Medalists
Derrell Sears and three time Canadian champion John Campbell of Armstrong B.C. won the bronze medal in the 2018 Canadian Stick Curling Championships. Presenting the bronze medals is the Canadian Stick Curling Association President, Harold Cook.
2018 Canadian Stick Championship Silver Medalists
Tim Smith and Chris Pieper, Armstrong Curling Club, B.C. were the silver medalists in the exciting two extra ends championship game.
2018 Volunteers
Thanks to all the volunteers for helping out at the 2018 Canadian Stick Curling Championship.