The Alberta Stick Curling association voted on February 18, 2017 to propose a change to the rules. This will be reviewed at the Canadian Stick Curling Championships in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia in March, 2017
Current Rule:
7. The first three stones delivered in an end may not be removed from play before delivery of the fourth stone of that end. If that happens, the delivered stone is removed from play and all other stones are returned to their original position.
Proposed Change:
7. The first four stones delivered in an end may not be removed from play before delivery of the fifth stone of that end. If that happens, the delivered stone is removed from play and all other stones are returned to their original position.
With fewer stones used, and fewer ends, the stick game tends to be more defensive than the regular game. This rule helps make the game more offensive. The “in play area” is the area from the hog line to the back line.